Quick Market Research Question For You

I'm doing a bit of market research about new topics for my online courses and would love your help. 🙏🏼

If you're willing to give me a hand, here is a question for you:

What course(s) would you love for me to teach?

In other words: What are you most wanting to learn right now as related to business creation and strategy? What skills would you love to develop?

Here are three fun Mad Libs to help you answer this question:

"If I only knew how to do this ________(fill in the blank)_________, I would be more empowered to build a sustainable/thriving business."

"More than anyone else I know, Guillaume Wiatr would be best to teach this: _________________________. I'd love to take that class!"

"If I could learn just 1 skill from Guillaume, it would be this: _________________(fill in skill / course title)_________________________________!"

I look forward to your reply.

With gratitude🙏🏼,


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