2022 Workshop Released

Do you know what I like about 2022?

It’s going to be better than 2021. So I have zero doubt that we’re getting an update with this one.

Our phone and computer apps are also getting an update. Automatically. New versions for everything.

Now, will your company get an update too?

I hope so. Don’t tell me you’re not going to give your team and yourself the power of a new strategic narrative. Because it’s like not updating your company’s operating system to the latest version.

But if you do update your strategic narrative, you will realize that you didn’t know what you didn’t know. Things like:

  • You thought your vision was clear, but it wasn’t.
  • You assumed that your people could tell why your company is the best thing since sliced bread, but in reality, they couldn’t.
  • You believed your client knew what difference your company makes, but they weren’t so sure.

You’ll tell yourself, “Gosh, what was I thinking? This is so much better!”.

But here is the thing: that update is not “auto”. It is still manual, and it’s your responsibility to do it. It is your job to upgrade the way you and everyone think, talk and act inside and outside your company.

And that’s exactly what I’ll coach you to do in the next Strategic Narrative Workshop in January 2022.

You’ve invested money, time, and your reputation into building this business. But if your narrative is not powerful enough for what 2022 requires in your market, that’s not going to be pretty.

Don’t set yourself up to regret this.

The worst thing that can happen is the illusion that your company is having an impact.

For me, there is nothing more frustrating than knowing that your company can have a massive year but watching it miss it because the foundation (your strategic narrative) is weak, or worse, you don’t even have one.

So, ask yourself:

  • Are you getting frustrated because people in your team are not rowing in the same direction?
  • Are you feeling like customers are taking forever to adopt your new product? (Darn customers…)
  • Are you finding that people are getting harder to motivate?

If everyone around you is the problem, maybe you have the problem?

Again, this is not anybody else’s responsibility to fix it.

Get my help to align your team and accelerate innovation when you join The Strategic Narrative Workshop in January 2022.

See you there.


PS: hit reply with any question. No question is too small. I’m here to help.

What You Will Need As An Entrepreneur
Meaningful Tip, Hopefully