Meaningful Publication

Stop overthinking. Start publishing!

As professionals, we consume information, ideas, and perspectives because… that’s just what we do to run our businesses. However, the breakthrough comes when we take the leap and become content creators ourselves.

The problem is: we’re experts. Yes, we’re experts at coming up with excuses for not doing it - "not enough time", “I am too boring…”, or “not enough return on my investment".

The truth is: we overthink content creation.

This course will help you overcome those limiting thoughts and start sharing with ease your ideas online with your audience. Whether you're a business owner, marketer, or just someone with something to say, you'll learn how to create effective and engaging content that connects with your target audience.

Let's get started!



  • The deep reasons for publishing frequent content
  • Why take content so seriously while taking yourself not so seriously
  • The benefits of meaningful content creation
  • How to make it authentic, relevant, joyful, AND profitable
  • The key principles to make content creation easier and more meaningful
  • The “greenhouse” method for taking your ideas from guesses to successes



For me, this training was the kick-in-the-pants I needed to overcome all of the excuses I have been coming up with in my mind, and just do it. It gave me the permission to just start publishing those ideas and thoughts I have as a way of conversing with others, without worrying about perfection. Thank you! - Cheryl Wolf

Engaging and insightful content. Guillaume is a natural facilitator, and expert in this topic. - Atika Scott De Martinville

The program was very, very inspirational. The messages about being spontaneous, self-expressive and prolific rather than getting bogged-down into some "prescribed format" feel like a relief. And the mention of tools for note-talking were very timely for me. - Karin Zastrow

If you're wondering how you could start to be visible on the net, or social media and you have never think it could be possible... attend this training and you'll get tools, ideas, a method ...and Guillaume experience ! Have fun and explore. - Isabelle Comtet

Meaningful Publication