How To Turn Your Audience Into Participants

If you want to build narrative power for your company, move away from telling cute stories. The "Let's make our business cool by telling more stories" bandwagon left the station long ago.

Instead, help people become participants in a movement.

A story has an audience. Passive.

A narrative has participants. Active.

Then, make it easy for people to become advocates. Or activists, even.

Give them a meaningful role, a meaningful goal, and a meaningful playbook for how to achieve it.

Oatly has done it and built the ability to influence norms and values in its market. They push the transformation of their industry with gusto. And they get results.

The movement: The Post Milk Generation.

Oatly defines it as "A nonprofit mindset that works to inform the public about the health and sustainability advantages of eating a plant-based diet. That's right, it's a state of mind that's both real and influential and not just a crazy t-shirt slogan people are wearing.

How to participate? Have a meaningful conversation with your dad. This ad will show you how.

Or dress for a revolution.

People will pay for a story, but people will die for a narrative.

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